Tuesday, October 23, 2012



Hanging Crystals in delightful shapes and NEW COLORS! Crystals represent the Earth element, and are also a considered a "Light Cure". They are a beautiful way to energize your home, and an easy cure to apply to any area. Hang them in a window for colorful rainbows!

In Earth SCIENCE class we learned two kind of Crystals, by making it. First we made Saturated Solution to see how these minerals grow up. From this experiment we learned a lot of thing about Crystals.



Luster- is a something that's tell you how its gonna break!!

(Luster describes how a mineral appears to reflects light, and how brilliant or dull the mineral is.)

Color- is a thing that  tell you how is look like!! (The recognition of colors in minerals goes back to our prehistoric ancestors who used charcoal and iron oxides to color cave paintings which still retain their original intensity.)

Hardness- is a thing that tells you how the rock is hard or soft!!      (Hardness is measured by the resistance which a smooth surface offers to abrasion. The degree of hardness is determined by observing the comparative ease or difficulty which which one mineral is scratched by another.)

MINERAL Identification!!

There is a lot of type of minerals and minerals properties in Earh science!!

Hardness: 6.5  (pen knife)

Streak: White

Color: whiteness (Clear)

Luster: Nonmetallic

Cleavege: None



Hardness:  5.5-6.5

Streak: Black

Color: Black and Gray

Luster: Metallic to submetallic

Cleavage: None

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